
About Us

Welcome to THE BASE SCHOOL…….

VISION : To make every child a conscious subject of his own growth. The Base School focus to develop the capacities latent in the human nature and to coordinate their expression for the enrichment and progress of the humanity.

MOTTO: Empowering by Innovation.


The school offers children an attractive and stimulating environment in which they develop their capacities. It provides learners with a customized curriculum with trained and experienced faculty who ensure active learner participation in dynamic learning experiences. As the school believes in EMPOWERING BY INNOVATION, it focus on the early childhood development and the different skills needed by the children for their holistic growth like physical development, cognitive development ,social development, emotional development 
and linguistic development along with the interdisciplinary ,thematic approach, focus on critical thinking skills and learning for a deeper  understanding work effectively to create life long learners who are able to apply learning to real life situations.

The school offers a number of innovative features that are fully integrated into our approach to education:

1.    Early learning years curriculum.

2.    Conceptual learning targets as per the child’s need.

3.    Global exposure through the celebration of the International and National Events.

4.    Small ,learner –centric classes ,allowing teachers to attend to the specific needs of the learner.

5.    Parents educational workshop.

6.    Facilitating the development of fine and gross motor skills.

7.    Fostering self-esteem , confidence and independence in learners.

8.    Emphasis on language development ,communication skills, creativity and self expression .

9.    Ongoing reporting of learner achievement data to provide parents with continuous feedback.




Chairperson  – Mr. Anil Joshi

Director         – Mr. Sunil Joshi

Director         – Mr. Harshal Joshi

Principal        – Mrs. Renu Joshi

School Coordinator – Mrs. Poonam
Bhandari (B.com,Diploma in IT, Montessori teacher training course)

Academic Coordinator – Mrs. Divya
Bhandari ( Master’s of Neuro-Sciences, PhD scholar – Psychology



1.     Ms . Neema Joshi (M.A , B.Ed)

2.    Ms. Dakshita Bargali (B.Com, MBA)

3.    Ms. Jyoti Bhandari (M.A, B.Ed , P.G in English)

4.     Ms. Vimla Arya (M.A, B.Ed)

5.     Ms. Neelu Kumari (M.A, B.Ed)

7.     Ms. Rakhi Agrawal (N.T.T ,P.T.T , D.L.Ed , P.G in Sociology)